Paramour Fine Arts

Lang, Henrietta Dean

(20th Century American)

Active in the Detroit area, she was a teacher at Wayne University and an exponent of the white line woodblock technique which she learned in Provincetown
All artwork is signed by the artist unless otherwise stated in the description.

Showing all artwork for Henrietta Dean Lang.

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"Pelicans"  (ARTS AND CRAFTS)

"Pelicans" (ARTS AND CRAFTS)

White line color woodcut, c. 1930
14 1/2 in. x 17 5/8 in. (368 mm x 448 mm)
No stated edition

Availability: In Stock
Price: P.O.R.

A fine impression of this very rare print

House and Trees  (ARTS AND CRAFTS)

House and Trees (ARTS AND CRAFTS)

White line color woodcut, c.1930
8 1/4 in. x 10 5/8 in. (210 mm x 270 mm)
No stated edition

Availability: In Stock
Price: P.O.R.

A good impression of this rare print with fairly narrow margins on both sides